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MCQ7 Corrections

For this question, you were supposed to determine which of the following statements best explained the relationship between the Internet and the World Wide Web. I answered Option C because the World Wide Web has the word world in it so I thought the correct answer would be the one talking about the global network. I realize this is wrong because the Internet is a network of interconnected networks, but the World Wide Web is an information system that is accessed via the Internet. The correct answer is Option D because the Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses protocols to connect devices worldwide. The World Wide Web is an information system (of pages, programs, and files) that is accessible over the Internet.

For this question, you were supposed to determine which of the following statements about the Internet was true. I answered Option D because I thought the Internet used a centralized system to determine how packets are routed. I realize this is wrong because routing on the Internet is usually dynamic; it is not specified in advance, nor is it controlled from a central location. The correct answer is Option B because the Internet was designed to be scalable, using open protocols to easily connect additional computing devices to the network.

For this question, you were supposed to determine which of the following pairs of spreadsheets can be combined and analyzed to determine the desired information. This question was very confusing for me and I ended up guessing Option C because it talked about high GPAs and students who play at least one sport. I realize this is wrong because the desired information cannot be determined with these two spreadsheets because students with grade point averages of 3.5 or less cannot be identified. The correction answer is Option A because The desired information can be determined by using the student IDs in spreadsheet II to identify the students who play a sport. Once the students who play a sport are identified, the grade point averages of students who play sports in spreadsheet I can be compared to the grade point averages of all other students in spreadsheet I.

MCQ7 Reflection

I’m really happy about my quiz result - got 67 out of 70! I did a lot better than my previous attempt at a multiple-choice questionnaire. This time, there were more questions, but I only got three wrong. Last time, I had messed up five answers. I found this quiz pretty easy and I think my preparations paid off. I’m proud of myself and hope to do just as well in the next one.