My Score

MCQ6 Corrections

For this question, you were supposed to determine what values of A, B, C, and D would make the circuit have an output of true. I answered Option A because I saw that A and B were both true so the output for an OR gate would also be true. However I was wrong and if A was false and B was true, the OR gate would still output true. I didn’t read the other Options so I got this question wrong. The correct answer is Option C because when A is false, B is true, C is true, and D is true, the OR gate will produce an output of true and the first AND gate will produce an output of true. Since both inputs to the second AND gate will be true, the circuit will have an output of true. This is why the answer is Option C.

For this question, you were supposed to determine which of the algorithms run in reasonable time. I thought since n was a very large integer, the first two algorithms could not be the answer because they access each element in the list twice and n times, respectively. To me, this meant the answer had to be algorithm 3 or Option B. However, I was wrong because algorithm 1 accesses elements 2n times (twice for each of n elements), which is considered reasonable time. Algorithm II accesses n2 elements (n times for each of n elements), which is considered reasonable time. This is why the answer is Option D.

MCQ6 Reflection

I’m really happy about my quiz result - got 65 out of 67! I did a lot better than my previous attempt at a multiple-choice questionnaire. This time, there were more questions, but I only got one wrong. Last time, I had messed up five answers. I found this quiz pretty easy and I think my preparations paid off. I’m proud of myself and hope to do just as well in the next one.