My Score

MCQ4 Corrections

For this question, you were supposed to determine which of the following answers best describes how the file is sent to the user. I incorrectly answer Option B because I knew that the file is broken into packets for transmission but I thought some packets are lost in transmission and to make sure all packets arrive safely, the browser must keep requesting in order until all packets are received. I was wrong and the correction answer was Option A because the browser doesn’t need to request all of the packets in order and that they are reassembled after they arrive.

For this question, you were supposed to answer how two computer communicate if one is running a Web server and the other is running a Web browser. I wasn’t sure how to attempt this question so I thought that if one of the computers is running a Web browser and you can only search the web using text inputs, the computers could only communicate if the messages consist of text and other formats couldn’t be interpreted across the computers. This is why I chose Option C and I was wrong. The correct answer was Option D because all data on a computer is stored in binary. Individual computers can interpret different file formats if each computer contains the appropriate software. The structure and functionality of the Internet does not affect the ability of two computers to share files.

For this question, you were supposed to answer how a photographer could losslessly transform a digital image. I incorrectly guessed Option D because I thought if you copy and paste pixels, no pixel would be lost. However I was wrong because by copying pixels from one part of the image to another part of the image, the old RGB values of the pixels have been lost. The correct answer was Option C because if a negative of the original image is made, each RGB triplet value will be computed by subtracting the original value from 255. The original value can then be restored by subtracting the new value from 255. This process is lossless because the exact original can be restored.

For this question, you were supposed to answer which of the following statements is true about the use of a simulation for this project. I incorrectly answered Option B because I thought making a simulation would cost more money on top of the actual project. I was wrong and the correct answer was actually Option D. Simulations are most useful when real-world events are impractical for experiments. Discovering and correcting potential safety issues using a simulation before the train route is constructed is much safer and less expensive than discovering them after the train route has been constructed.

For this question, you were supposed to determine which of the following code segments gave the correct output. This question was extremely confusing to me and I incorrectly guess Option C. The correct answer was Option A because the code segment traverses the list beginning with the second element, so it is correctly comparing only student scores to the maximum possible score, which is found by accessing scores[1]. The variable found will only be set to true when a student’s score equals the maximum possible score. The code also sets the number of iterations to LENGTH(scores) - 1 to reflect that the first list element (maximum score) is skipped.

MCQ4 Reflection

I got 45/50 on this quiz and my score is worse than usual. I’m feeling a bit disappointed but I’m determined to improve and score even better on the next quiz. There were a lot of new topic that I didn’t understand fully such as lossy vs lossless data compression and the communication between servers and computers. I will study these topics before the next quiz and I want to get at least a 47/50 next time.