My Score

MCQ3 Corrections

For this question, you were supposed to determine if the programmer’s conclusion that their program works as intended was correct. I believed that it was correct but unfortunately, I was wrong. I thought Option A was correct because 0+1+4+5=10 and I thought the program was just adding all of the numbers in the list together. The program was actually setting the starting value to the first value in the list and then adding all of the numbers together. This means the first number was added twice and this is incorrect. This means the correct answer is Option C because if the test case was [9, 1, 4, 5], the program would display 28 but the correct sum would be 19. This is why the correct answer is Option C.

For this question, you were supposed to explain why a computer program got 0 when adding 5 and 3. I wasn’t sure how to attempt this question so I just guessed Option D. What happened was when you convert 3 to binary, you get 011 and when you convert 5 to binary, you get 101. When you add them, you get 8 which is expressed as 1000 in binary. However the program can only handle the last 3 bits, 000. 000 in binary is equal to 0 and this is how the error occurred. There were too many bits for the program to handle and there was an “overflow of integers”. This is why the answer is Option A.

For this question, you were supposed to select 2 answers. I correctly selected Option A but incorrectly selected Option C. I thought, because a simulation has the same environment every time it is run, it would also have the same output every time. This is incorrect. The correct answer was Option B because sometimes an experiment is impractical and cannot be repeated multiple times. In a case like this, it makes more sense to use a simulation. This is why the correct answer is Option B.

For this question, you were supposed to describe a limitation of using a simulation to study crowd flow out of a large arena after an event has ended. When I read this question, I thought of the word “limitation” as a negative affect of using a simulation so I selected the answer that talked about a negative part of using a simulation. I selected Option A but that was wrong. The correct answer was Option B because if the simulation software omits details, it is a limitation because you don;t know those details. This is why the answer is Option B.

MCQ3 Reflection

I feel like I did really well and only got 4 wrong out of 50. This is a really good score for me but my score decreased by 1 because I got 47/50 on MCQ2 and now I got 46/50 on MCQ3. They only questions I messed up on were questions that were worded badly or confusing. I also got a question wrong because we hadn’t even learned the material yet. I’ll study this and try to improve next time.