My Score

MCQ2 Corrections

For this question, you were supposed to select two options. I correctly answered Option A but incorrectly answered Option C. After looking at the pseudocode again, I realized that I mixed up where the nestled If/Else statement should have gone.

For this question, you were supposed to select two options. I correctly answered Option C but incorrectly answered Option A. After looking at the pseudocode again, I realized that the radius of the original circle is 1 but the pseudocode gave the original circle a radius of 0 which is not possible.

For this question, I got it wrong because I got confused when i was defined as n and started subtracting 1 n times. I realize now that I was mistaken and that you could get the same final sum if you use both methods.

MCQ2 Reflection

I feel like I did really well and only got 3 wrong out of 50. This is a really good score for me and I improved by 1 because I got 46/50 on the Trimester 1 final and now I got 47/50 on MCQ2. They only questions I messed up on were questions with multiple answers and questions where you had to compare multiple code segments. I’ll study this and try to improve next time.