• club listing database
  • crud features
  • when user signs up, creates row in database
  • anyone viewing can see entire database
  • update security and roles
  • database would include listing of all clubs on campus
  • option to add club or delete club
  • next feature is a club review database, people interested in a club can see what past members have said
  • each club can have many reviews


  • wants to create a database that allows people to create clubs without having to go in person have fill out many forms
  • Challenges: sending file from frontend to backend database, who gets admin access
  • frontend is basic input fields, once submitted, gets added to backend database
  • very hard to search through asb website for clubs
  • wants to make a search bar to allow people to search for keywords. Ex: search “environment” to see environment related clubs
  • database has many to one relationship
  • many reviews can be related with one club
  • if a club signs into their account, they can edit their profile


  • They have a spreadsheet to keep track of progress and stay on track
  • group has their scrumboard

Agile Methodology

  • chase innovation not
  • quality over quantity
  • creativity over criteria
  • priortize continous integration