Key Highlights and questions from College Board Videos

  1. UAVs/Drones are used in search & rescue, aerial photography, and for hobbies. However, there are many unintended usages. Also, there are many military usages. What do people think about drones?

  2. OpenAI and ChatGPT
    • Google Disrupter, google needs to react
    • GitHub Copilot, real time code suggestion
    • Platform shift, money disrupter, revenue model for Google changes
    • Large amount of computer resources
    • Some schools are banning it
  3. Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. Video games and Social media are shown to impact people chemically. However, statistically some people’s computer time may be greater than their sleep time. There are positives on games and social media. Name some? Here is something to think about and is related to the CB topic…
    • At age 17, Anthony Rosner of London, England, was a hero in the World of Warcraft online gaming community. He built empires, led raids, and submerged himself in a fantasy world that seemingly fulfilled his every need. Meanwhile, his real life was virtually nonexistent. He neglected his schoolwork, relationships, health, even his hygiene. “I never saw my real friends. I gained weight, became lazy, and spent nearly all of my time slumped over my computer,” says Rosner, who played up to 18 hours a day, every day, for nearly two years. “When you become one of the top players in a game like World of Warcraft, tens of thousands of players are essentially under you, so you become like a virtual god”
    • For Rosner, gaming was detrimental. His grades suffered, he missed assignments, and he almost failed to complete his first year of college. After turning away from the game, Rosner found other sources of pleasure. He joined a gym, started DJing at his university, and became much more active socially. “I couldn’t believe what I had been missing,” he says. Ironically, World of Warcraft led Rosner to achieve his dream of making films. His documentary, IRL — In Real Life, chronicles his adventures and how he learned to break free from gaming. More than 1 million people worldwide have viewed his film, which can be seen on YouTube. It has been featured at film festivals, on TV, and in newspapers and magazines.
  4. Automated telephone trees were designed to save employers money, but also reduce hold time for customers. Innovations in phone trees, voice recognition, or keypads often enables customers to find answers quickly. What are innovation you would like to see in phone tree? Will this phone tree transfer you to relevant department during office hours? Will it always enable you the opportunity for human response?

Blog Post Reflection

  1. Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing
    • Benefical Effects of Computing
      1. Computing has increase productivity and has made many tasks faster, easier and more efficient, leading to increased productivity in many fields such as business, education, healthcare, and others.
      2. Computing has improved communication and the widespread availability of the internet and digital devices has made it easier to communicate and collaborate with others, regardless of location or time.
      3. Computing has allowed access to information and the internet has made vast amounts of information readily available, enabling people to learn and grow in new ways.
    • Harmful Effects of Computing
      1. Computing has lead to an increase in cybercrime, including hacking, identity theft, and other forms of digital fraud.
      2. Computing has lead to an increase in social isolation and decreased face-to-face interactions, potentially affecting mental health and well-being.
      3. Computing has lead to a dependence and as people become more reliant on computers and the internet for daily tasks and activities, they may struggle to function without access to technology.
  2. Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?
    • I believe that the dopamine issue above is real and I know many people struggle with this. However, parents obsess over this so much to the point where we start to tune them out and stop believing them. They are right and too much dopamine is very harmful to us and harmful habits such as excessive watching of YouTube or playing video games can have negative effects in the long term. These activities may provide temporary stress relief and a boost of dopamine, but excessive indulgence can lead to decreased energy and productivity, as well as reduced motivation for physical exercise and social interaction.
  3. Think of three beneficial effects of your projects based on 5.1 Unit
    • A recipe review feature allows users to provide feedback on the accuracy of a recipe, allowing the recipe author to make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the recipe is correct and reliable.
    • By allowing users to review and rate recipes, the feature can increase user engagement and encourage more active participation in the recipe community.
    • Recipe reviews provide users with information on which recipes are popular and well-liked, making it easier for them to find and choose recipes that meet their needs and preferences. This can lead to a more satisfying cooking experience and help users find recipes that they are more likely to enjoy.
  4. Think of a potential harmful effect of your project.
    • Could be used maliciously and spread hate and negativity.