InfoDb = [] #this is the empty dictionary that I will append things to

# InfoDB is a data structure with expected Keys and Values

# Append to List a Dictionary of key/values related to a person and cars
#    "FirstName": "John",
#    "LastName": "Mortensen",
#    "DOB": "October 21",
#    "Residence": "San Diego",
#    "Email": "",
#    "Owns_Cars": ["2015-Fusion", "2011-Ranger", "2003-Excursion", "1997-F350", "1969-Cadillac"]

#    "FirstName": "Sunny",
#    "LastName": "Naidu",
#    "DOB": "August 2",
#    "Residence": "Temecula",
#    "Email": "",
#    "Owns_Cars": ["4Runner"],

    "FirstName": "Soham",
    "LastName": "Kamat",
    "DOB": "March 9",
    "Residence": "San Diego",
    "Email": "",
    "Hair_Color": "Black",
    "Grade": "10th",
    "Age": "15"
    "Owns_Cars": ["None"],

    "FirstName": "Ryan",
    "LastName": "Hakimipour",
    "DOB": "June 15",
    "Residence": "San Diego",
    "Email": "",
    "Hair_Color": "Black",
    "Grade": "10th",
    "Age": "15"
    "Owns_Cars": ["None"],

    "FirstName": "Aniket",
    "LastName": "Chakradeo",
    "DOB": "February 20",
    "Residence": "San Diego",
    "Email": "",
    "Hair_Color": "Black",
    "Grade": "10th",
    "Age": "15"
    "Owns_Cars": ["None"],

    "FirstName": "Lucas",
    "LastName": "Kamat",
    "DOB": "December 16",
    "Residence": "San Diego",
    "Email": "",
    "Hair_Color": "Blonde",
    "Grade": "10th",
    "Age": "15"
    "Owns_Cars": ["None"],
#print(InfoDb) #Commented because the code below shows the information in a neater way

def print_data(d_rec):
    print(d_rec["FirstName"], d_rec["LastName"])  # using comma puts space between values
    print("\t", "Residence:", d_rec["Residence"]) # \t is a tab indent
    print("\t", "Birth Day:", d_rec["DOB"])
    print("\t", "")
    print("\t", "Cars: ", end="")  # end="" make sure no return occurs
    print(", ".join(d_rec["Owns_Cars"]))  # join allows printing a string list with separator

def recursive_loop(i):
    if i < len(InfoDb):
        record = InfoDb[i]
        recursive_loop(i + 1)

print("\nRecursive loop output:\n")
Recursive loop output:

Soham Kamat
	 Residence: San Diego
	 Birth Day: March 9
	 Cars: None

Ryan Hakimipour
	 Residence: San Diego
	 Birth Day: June 15
	 Cars: None

Aniket Chakradeo
	 Residence: San Diego
	 Birth Day: February 20
	 Cars: None

Lucas Kamat
	 Residence: San Diego
	 Birth Day: December 16
	 Cars: None

For Loop in action

CandyTypes = ["Skittles", "M&Ms", "Reeses Pieces", "Air Heads", "Dum Dums", "Hersheys", "Gummy Worms", "Twizzlers", "Jolly Ranchers", "Dots", "Nerds", "Crunch"]
# Using a for loop to iterate through list
for i in CandyTypes:

Function that prints an input in reverse and tells you if it is a palindrome

def isPalindrome(s): #function that prints the input and prints the input backwards
	return s == s[::-1]

s = input("Enter a word: ")
ans = isPalindrome(s)

if ans:
	print(s + " is a palindrome")
	print(s + " is not a palindrome")
bye is not a palindrome

My Python Quiz

def PythonQuiz(prompt): # this is the function that prints the questions and accepts the input
    global word
    print ("Question: " + prompt)
    word = input()
    return word

questions_number = 5 #this is the number of questions
correct_answer = 0

print("Hello, you will be asked " + str(questions_number) + " short questions about common conversions.") #This is the question that starts the quiz


MyQuiz.append({ #These are the questions
    "How many centimeters are in 12 meters": "1200",
    "How many kilometers is 100,000 centimeters?": "1",
    "How many yards are in 27 feet?": "9",
    "How many milligrams are in 25 grams?": "25000",
    "What is the unit used to measure time?": "Second",

# for loop checks answers with the value in the dictionary

for dict in MyQuiz:
    for questions, answers in dict.items():
        if word == answers:
            print(input() + " is correct")
            correct_answer += 1
            print(input() +" is incorrect")

print("You scored " + str(correct_answer) + "/" + str(questions_number) + ". Good Job!")
Hello, you will be asked 5 short questions about common conversions.
Question: How many centimeters are in 12 meters
1200 is correct
Question: How many kilometers is 100,000 centimeters?
1 is correct
Question: How many yards are in 27 feet?
9 is correct
Question: How many milligrams are in 25 grams?
25000 is correct
Question: What is the unit used to measure time?
Second is correct
You scored 5/5. Good Job!