Soham Kamat

Mrs. James

HSE3: Period 4

26 August 2022

How to be Happy

CLAIM: The two most contributing factors of happiness are doing what you love and believing in yourself.

One of the most contributing factors of happiness is doing what you love. In the Happy Documentary by Roko Belic, the narrator talks about how happiness is proven by people who do what they love. Andy Wimmer was a German Banker who used to value money a lot. He bought many expensive clothes and cars and lived life lavishly. However, this did not bring much joy and he decided to quit his job and help others. He ended up going to Kolkata and started volunteering at Mother Theresa’s Home for the Destitute and Dying. He still volunteers there to this day because helping others makes him happy. In addition, in the Happy Documentary by Roko Belic, happiness is shown by people who enjoy what they do and do what they enjoy. Ronaldo Fadul is a surfer who lives in a small town in Brazil. He lives there with his family because he loves surfing all day. Ronaldo also helps injured birds. He helps mend their wings and helps them become healthy. Surfing and helping these birds make him happy because he loves doing these activities. Conclusively, I believe doing things that make you happy is one of the best ways to stay happy and enjoy life at the same time.

Another one of the most contributing factors of happiness is believing in yourself. A time that I was happy was when I believed in myself and I accomplished a goal because of it. A few days ago, I got an assignment for AP Computer Science Principles. I had to set up a website using the given instructions. However I had some issues that the teacher could not help me with. I spent a few days working really late into the night attempting to fix the problems I was encountering. I never gave up and kept trying to find a solution to these issues. After a few days of trying, I found a solution. In addition, in the Happy Documentary by Roko Belic, we are introduced to Melissa Moody, a person who believed in herself and got herself out of depression. Melissa Moody was a very pretty woman who lived on her family’s land. One day, she had an argument with her sister in law and it ended up with the sister in law running Melissa over with her car. Melissa’s pretty facial features were ruined and she could not communicate for months. She thought about suicide and decided to not do it to help her kids who were still young. She is now comfortable with her face and helps other people feel better after their accidents. In conclusion, there are many ways to be happy but the main ways to achieve this are to believe in yourself and do things that you enjoy.