Today, after class, we had a panel of CS alumni students who had a Q\&A about how Computer Science helps with college and how it is useful in many fields other than CS. We learned many things such as how the course helps a lot with learning how to solve real world problems and how it can be applied to other majors other than CS. An example they gave was that you could make a script to help copy and paste things from a document to a spreadsheet. Another thing we learned was that finding the motivation to learn CS is hard at first because Project Based Learning is hard to understand at first and there is always someone better at CS than you. However, once you get the hang of the class, it becomes easier to understand and follow. Also, if you ever get stuck, you can always use google to help find a solution. Making sure you have a plan and don’t cut corners is hard but really important for success in this subject. Remember, not everyone has the same experience and if you think you aren’t very good, you could study independently to get better. Finding the motivation to learn CS is hard at first but it is really fun later. As one of the panelists said, “Don’t worry about how the ‘Steve Jobs’ of the world are doing. Focus on yourself and learn how to get better.” In summary, learning CS is very difficult at the start but gets easier as you progress through the course. However, if you have the willingness and motivation, you can do anything.