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Alumni Presentation • 7 min read


The alumni gave some really good advice about studying computer science at UCSD. They said it’s pretty hard to get in, like winning a lottery, so thinking about mechanical engineering might be an easier option. They also said it’s a good idea to apply to a lot of places because you never know what might work out.

They talked a lot about joining clubs or groups related to coding or teaching, like CodeNinjas. They said even if computer science isn’t for everyone, it’s still really important to learn about because it’s connected to lots of things in the world.

They suggested making your own projects, like building a website or coming up with your own version of sites. I’m thinking about recreating Amazon or YouTube. They also talked about using tools like AWS and Vercel to put your projects online. They said having your own website with your resume is a good idea, and it doesn’t cost much to have your own domain ($10/year).

When it comes to coding, they recommended using a tool called Tailwind CSS to make it easier and faster. They also said it’s important to keep up with new software and learn how to use tools like CHATGPT. In fact, Tristan said “The software tools of today were created yesterday”. They suggested finding online courses about machine learning and adding those to your resume.

For finding internships and jobs, they recommended using websites like LinkedIn and Indeed. They said it’s even better if someone you know can suggest you. They also mentioned that smaller companies in San Diego might not always have official internship programs, but if you can show them you’re a good fit, they might hire you.

They ended by saying how important it is to do internships while in college, because it can be really hard to find a job without that experience. Overall, their advice highlighted the value of being proactive, learning new things, and making connections in the world of computer science.


The alumni’s advice has given me a clear direction for navigating the world of computer science. I really resonate with the focus on personal projects, as they not only showcase technical skills but also show creativity and problem-solving abilities. The idea of keeping a website/portfolio with lessons learned and failures is something I’ll definitely incorporate into my career strategy. Additionally, the emphasis on networking and using online resources for internships aligns with what I already knew about the professional world. The presentation has reinforced my commitment to pursuing coding-related activities and personal projects, and has highlighted the importance of being persistent and diverse in my applications. In a nutshell, the insights shared have given me a solid plan for getting ahead in the field of computer science.