Python Commands to know

  • function - A group of related statements that perform a specific task
  • def - The command to define a function
  • parameter - Variables for the values the function needs. Is passed as an argument when the function is called
  • return - Used as the last line in a function to show that the contents of the function are done
  • variable - A way of storing values into the memory of the computer by using specific names that you define
  • list - A “container” that can store any kinds of values
  • repository - A location where all the files for a particular project are stored
  • string - A series of readable or usable sentences that the user will use
  • len() - Returns the length (the number of items) of an object

Ubuntu Commands to know

  • cd: change directory
  • cat {filename}: concatenate
  • pwd: print working directory
  • git clone {url}: clones GitHub repository
  • ls: list files in a directory
  • cp {filename}: copy
  • mkdir {name}: makes directory called {name}
  • rm {filename}: removes {filename}
  • locate {filename}: finds file called {filename}
  • sudo {command}: SuperUser Do {command}
  • wget {download link}: downloads files from the internet
  • useradd {username}: adds user named {username}
  • userdel {username}: deletes user name {username}

General Programming Terms to know

Unit 2 Vocabulary Terms

  • Bits - the smallest unit of data that a computer can process and store
  • Bytes - a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on as a unit.
  • Hexadecimal/Nibbles - a numbering system with base 16
  • Binary Numbers - a numbering scheme in which there are only two possible values for each digit 0 or 1
    • Unsigned Integer - just like integers (whole numbers) but have the property that they don’t have a + or - sign associated with them
    • Signed Integer - a 32-bit datum that encodes an integer in the range [-2147483648 to 2147483647]
    • Floating Point - a positive or negative whole number with a decimal point
  • Binary Data Abstractions
    • Boolean - a logical data type that can have only the values true or false
    • ASCII - the most common character encoding format for text data in computers and on the internet
    • Unicode - a modern standard for text representation that defines each of the letters and symbols commonly used in today’s digital and print media
    • RGB - a system for representing the colors to be used on a computer display
  • Data Compression
    • Lossy - a data encoding and compression technique that deliberately discards some data in the compression process
    • Lossless - restores and rebuilds file data in its original form after the file is decompressed

Unit 3 Vocabulary Terms

  • Variables
    • Data Types - a classification that specifies which type of value a variable has
    • Assignment Operators - he operator used to assign a new value to a variable, property, event or indexer element in C# programming language
  • Managing Complexity with Variables
    • Lists - any information displayed or organized in a logical or linear formation
    • 2D Lists - list of lists
    • Dictionaries - an abstract data type that defines an unordered collection of data as a set of key-value pairs
    • Class - a template definition of the method s and variable s in a particular kind of object
  • Algorithms
    • Sequence - the first programming construct
    • Selection - a programming construct where a section of code is run only if a condition is met
    • Iteration - a process where the design of a product or application is improved by repeated review and testing
  • Expressions
    • Comparison Operators - operators that compare values and return true or false
    • Booleans Expressions and Selection -
    • Booleans Expressions and Iteration -
    • Truth Tables -
  • Characters -
  • Strings -
  • Length -
  • Concatenation -
  • Upper -
  • Lower -
  • Traversing Strings -
  • Python If -
  • Elif -
  • Else conditionals -
  • Nested Selection Statements -
  • Python For -
  • While loops with Range -
  • with List -
  • Combining loops with conditionals to Break, Continue -
  • Procedural Abstraction -
  • Python Def procedures -
  • Parameters -
  • Return Values -