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MCQ 2014 Corrections and Reflection • 2 min read

My Score

MCQ 2014 Corrections

For this question, you were supposed to determine which of the following answers represented the value returned as a result of the call compute (n, k) ?. I believed that it was correct but unfortunately, I was wrong. I thought Option E was correct because I knew that the method was taking something to the power of something else and I unfortunately mixed up n and k. The program was actually doing n^k. This means the correct answer is Option C because n was being multiplied by itself k times. This is why the correct answer is Option C.

MCQ 2014 Reflection

I did really well and only got 1 wrong out of 40. This was due to a very dumb mistake and I was so close to a perfect 40 out of 40. This is a really good score for me and I’ll study these type of questions and try to improve next time.